A complete guideline to man bun style

2:39 AM

 Man bun hairstyle is the culture of class, fashion, and royalty for men who love to style their hair. Man bun hairstyle might be a common hairstyle but there are lots of interesting facts about it. A man with a bun hairstyle ultimately considered a show stopper since the 50s. Having a bun genuinely makes you more stylish and boosts up your confidence everywhere.

Man bun with beard
Source: Pinterest


What is a man bun hairstyle?

Basically, a man bun stays lower and gathers hairs from the front and the sides. The main condition for a good-looking bun is the hairs must at the same length from all of the sides. The man bun is more likely to a top knot hairstyle but it’s not the same. A bun is where the hairs from all the sides tided to a knot which might be placed on top of the head or back of the head.


How to grow and style a bun for men

Well, to create a fashionable and smart man bun all you just need long hair. The length of the hair should be at least 6 inches to create a proper bun. Make the length of hair equal from all of the sides. Gather the hairs to a point and tide up. Point to be noted that you can create a man updo while shaving the sides or with an undercut hairstyle.

Man bun with black beard
Source: Pinterest

If you have enough length of hair then decide where you’ll place the bun. It could be on top of the head or back of the head or top back of the head, as your wish. Usually, the top back of the head is the perfect place to spot the bun. Brush back the hairs or hold all the hairs together with one hand. Then simply make the bun wherever you want to spot the bun.


How to maintain a stylish man bun

Man bun
Source: Pinterest

Having a man bun means you have to put lots of effort and time into your hairs. Ultimately, it can be said that the bun is one of the most high-maintenance hairstyles for men. To have a healthy man bun you need to maintain a regular routine to take care of your hair. As long hair gets greasy very quickly you have to shampoo your hair so that it doesn’t get unhealthy. And yes, to avoid male pattern baldness you mustn’t tie up the hairs too tightly.


Do the top knot and man buns are the same hairstyle?

No, both might be looks similar but not the same hairstyle at all. There are some basic differences between the two hairstyles. The top knot hairstyle for men can be done by any length of hair for just tied up on top. On the other hand, the man bun needs at least 6 inches of long hair to make an ideal bun.


How to protect a man bun

Man bun style
Source: Pinterest

As an elegant hairstyle, a man bun always needs protection to protect the hairstyle. Here are some pro tips to protect your bun and keep healthy.

  • Try to wash your hair a bit lesser and don’t shampoo every day. Wash your hair two or three times a week.
  • Make sure you’re aware of the hair products you’re using. Use the best salon shampoo to keep moisture in your hair all the time.
  • Trim the hair regularly and maintain a suitable length of long hair. Trimming the unwanted bottom and side hairs keep the bun neat and clean.
  • Don’t try the tidy bun and try different types of bun every time.

Negative impacts of having a man bun

Having a man bun definitely a gorgeous and elegant hairstyle for over the centuries. Despite man updo is a beautiful hairstyle but there are some negative impacts or side effects with this hairstyle.

According to some scientific studies, having a bun hairstyle for men is the cause of male pattern baldness between 24 to 45 years of age. Traction Alopecia is one of the most common hair problems caused by bun hairstyles. A tidy bun also can be the reason for hair fall.


In conclusion, we can say that despite having some negative issues man bun still remains as the king of hairstyles. Though styling a man updo needs higher maintenance but it still worthy of it. A proper and perfect bun ultimately gives you a royal manly look. Just grow your hair, get a man updo and come up with an elegant gorgeous manly look.

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